These pictures were retrieved from Excel 2016. They are slightly different in different Office releases – Excel 2010 is more colorful, for example.
Some pictures did not load properly, or caused errors when we tried to retrieve them. In those cases, the picture is just a black square. See, for example, MeetingRequest – which may be missing because we don’t have Outlook installed on this dev machine.
Spelling | |
FileSave | |
FilePrint | |
ZoomOnePage | |
ZoomPageWidth | |
Zoom100 | |
TableInsert | |
ColumnsDialog | |
Numbering | |
Bullets | |
PageOrientationPortraitLandscape | |
OutdentClassic | |
IndentClassic | |
DrawingInsert | |
ChartInsert | |
FileNew | |
Copy | |
Cut | |
Paste | |
FileOpen | |
EnvelopesAndLabelsDialog | |
ZoomPrintPreviewExcel | |
PenComment | |
Folder | |
Repeat | |
UpArrow2 | |
RightArrow2 | |
DownArrow2 | |
LeftArrow2 | |
Clear | |
Breakpoint | |
Piggy | |
Superscript | |
Subscript | |
HappyFace | |
UnderlineDouble | |
UnderlineWords | |
FontSizeIncreaseWord | |
FontSizeDecreaseWord | |
_0 | |
_1 | |
_2 | |
_3 | |
_4 | |
_5 | |
_6 | |
_7 | |
_8 | |
_9 | |
A | |
B | |
C | |
D | |
E | |
F | |
G | |
H | |
I | |
J | |
K | |
L | |
M | |
N | |
O | |
P | |
Q | |
R | |
S | |
T | |
U | |
V | |
W | |
X | |
Y | |
Z | |
FileClose | |
TableAutoFormat | |
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FilePrintPreview | |
PickUpStyle | |
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Bold | |
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ParagraphMarks | |
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AlignCenter | |
AlignJustify | |
ContextHelp | |
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ControlLine | |
ControlRectangle | |
OutlinePromote | |
OutlineDemote | |
OutlineMoveUp | |
OutlineMoveDown | |
OutlineDemoteToBodyText | |
OutlineExpand | |
OutlineCollapse | |
TextBoxInsert | |
FileFind | |
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TableExcelSpreadsheetInsert | |
AutoFormat | |
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MailMergeGotToLastRecord | |
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DataFormSource | |
MailMergeResultsPreview | |
ObjectsGroup | |
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ObjectBringForward | |
ObjectSendBackward | |
Magnifier | |
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ViewFullScreenView | |
ViewRulerPowerPoint | |
VoiceInsert | |
ObjectsSelect | |
TableFind | |
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MacroPlay | |
ObjectFlipHorizontal | |
ObjectFlipVertical | |
ObjectRotateRight90 | |
ObjectRotateLeft90 | |
ShapeFreeform | |
GroupDrawing | |
ObjectEditPoints | |
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TableDesign | |
DataFormAddRecord | |
DataFormDeleteRecord | |
FieldsUpdate | |
DatabaseInsert | |
GridSettings | |
WordPicture | |
FormControlEditBox | |
FormControlCheckBox | |
FormControlComboBox | |
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FieldShading | |
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MailMergeDocument | |
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PageSetupDialog | |
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RoutingSlip | |
FootnoteInsert | |
MicrosoftExcel | |
MicrosoftAccess | |
Schedule | |
MicrosoftVisualFoxPro | |
MicrosoftPowerPoint | |
MicrosoftPublisher | |
MicrosoftProject | |
SadFace | |
Pushpin | |
Camera | |
FormControlButton | |
Calculator | |
ViewPrintLayoutView | |
FieldCodes | |
DropCapOptionsDialog | |
Strikethrough | |
TextSmallCaps | |
CellsDelete | |
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CellsInsertDialog | |
TableRowsInsertWord | |
QueryInsertColumns | |
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ViewGridlinesWord | |
SubdocumentOpen | |
WindowSplit | |
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LegalBlackline | |
ReviewAcceptOrRejectChangeDialog | |
TextAllCaps | |
PictureDisassemble | |
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StartOfDocument | |
EndOfDocument | |
Grammar | |
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ObjectsRegroup | |
_3DStyle | |
TipWizardHelp | |
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AddressBook | |
Reply | |
ReplyAll | |
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MailMove | |
MailDelete | |
MessagePrevious | |
MessageNext | |
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MailSelectNames | |
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PasteFormatting | |
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ParenthesisLeft | |
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PercentSign | |
DollarSign | |
FunctionWizard | |
AsianLayoutCharacterScaling | |
ConstrainNumeric | |
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AccountingFormat | |
PercentStyle | |
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ChartAreaChart | |
Chart3DBarChart | |
Chart3DColumnChart | |
Chart3DPieChart | |
ChartRadarChart | |
OutlineSymbolsShowHide | |
TableSelectVisibleCells | |
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FormControlRadioButton | |
FormControlScrollBar | |
FormControlListBox | |
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TraceError | |
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FormControlGroupBox | |
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TabOrder | |
RunDialog | |
FormControlCombinationListEdit | |
FormControlCombinationDropDownEdit | |
FormControlLabel | |
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Fish | |
Coffee | |
Heart | |
Diamond | |
Spade | |
Club | |
ViewSheetGridlines | |
TracePrecedents | |
Info | |
CodeEdit | |
InsertDialog | |
ApplyFilter | |
DatasheetView | |
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ControlSubFormReport | |
FieldList | |
ViewsFormView | |
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AdpPrimaryKey | |
ControlBoundObjectFrame | |
ControlUnboundObjectFrame | |
PageBreakInsertOrRemove | |
PrintSetupDialog | |
CreateFormInDesignView | |
CreateQueryFromWizard | |
CreateReportInDesignView | |
MacroConditions | |
MacroNames | |
ControlToggleButton | |
DatabaseRelationships | |
TableIndexes | |
ViewsAdpDiagramSqlView | |
QueryTableNamesShowHide | |
QueryShowTable | |
QuerySelectQueryType | |
QueryCrosstab | |
QueryMakeTable | |
QueryUpdate | |
QueryAppend | |
QueryDelete | |
QueryParameters | |
RecordsSaveRecord | |
GoToNewRecord | |
RowHeight | |
ColumnWidth | |
RecordsFreezeColumns | |
GridlinesGallery | |
OleObjectctInsert | |
ControlToolboxOutlook | |
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PageHeaderOrFooterShowHide | |
FormHeaderOrFooterShowHide | |
First10RecordsPreview | |
ControlSpecialEffectRaised | |
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AutoDial | |
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PasteDuplicate | |
DatabasePermissions | |
ControlAlignToGrid | |
ControlSpecialEffectFlat | |
CreateTableInDesignView | |
MacroDefault | |
ModuleInsert | |
FilterToggleFilter | |
FilterClearAllFilters | |
Head | |
ReminderSound | |
CreateModule | |
RelationshipsDirectRelationships | |
RelationshipDesignAllRelationships | |
ControlWizards | |
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FilterAdvancedByForm | |
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AutoFormatWizard | |
PrintPreviewZoomTwoPages | |
FilterBySelection | |
RecordsDeleteRecord | |
QueryBuilder | |
DatabaseDocumenter | |
DatabaseAnalyzePerformance | |
DatabaseAnalyzeTable | |
ObjectsAlignLeft | |
ObjectsAlignRight | |
ObjectsAlignTop | |
ObjectsAlignBottom | |
ObjectsAlignCenterHorizontal | |
ObjectsAlignMiddleVertical | |
SlideNew | |
ClipArtInsert | |
CreateHandoutsInWord | |
Shadow | |
ObjectRotateFree | |
ShapesMoreShapes | |
CopyToPersonalContacts | |
ParagraphSpacingIncrease | |
ParagraphSpacingDecrease | |
SlideMasterMasterLayout | |
OrganizationChartInsert | |
CollapseAll | |
OutlineExpandAll | |
CombineCharacters | |
DoubleStrikethrough | |
QueryInsertColumn | |
EncryptMessage | |
DigitallySignMessage | |
CreateMailRule | |
ViewNormalViewExcel | |
ViewPageBreakPreviewView | |
SlideHide | |
AnimationCustom | |
PictureCrop | |
SlideShowRehearseTimings | |
ViewSlideView | |
ViewOutlineView | |
ViewSlideSorterView | |
ViewNotesPageView | |
ViewSlideShowView | |
ViewSlideMasterView | |
FileCloseAll | |
FileSaveAs | |
SaveAll | |
AdvancedFileProperties | |
DocumentTemplate | |
FileExit | |
PasteSpecialDialog | |
SelectAll | |
GoTo | |
BookmarkInsert | |
FileLinksToFiles | |
ViewOnlineLayoutViewClassic | |
HeaderFooterInsert | |
FootnotesEndnotesShow | |
BreakInsertDialog | |
DateAndTimeInsert | |
NumberInsert | |
FieldInsert | |
CaptionInsert | |
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TextFromFileInsert | |
ParagraphDialog | |
BordersShadingDialog | |
TextDirectionOptionsDialog | |
BulletsAndNumberingBulletsDialog | |
AutoFormatDialog | |
SetLanguage | |
WordCount | |
AutoCorrect | |
EnvelopesAndLabels | |
LabelsDialog | |
MergeCells | |
SplitCells | |
TableRowSelect | |
TableColumnSelect | |
TableSelect | |
TableRepeatHeaderRows | |
ConvertTextToTable | |
TableFormulaDialog | |
TableSplitTable | |
ShowClipboard | |
TechnicalSupport | |
ImeDictionaryUpdate | |
OutlookTaskCreate | |
WindowMinimize | |
WindowRestore | |
WindowClose | |
WindowSaveWorkspace | |
SheetDelete | |
ViewFormulaBar | |
SheetInsert | |
FormatCellsDialog | |
DataFormExcel | |
OutlineSubtotals | |
Consolidate | |
WindowHide | |
WindowUnhide | |
FillUp | |
FillLeft | |
ClearFormats | |
NameCreateFromSelection | |
SheetProtect | |
ReviewProtectWorkbook | |
MacroRelativeReferences | |
Filter | |
SortClear | |
AdvancedFilterDialog | |
OutlineSettings | |
PrintPreviewClose | |
HeaderFooterClose | |
ZoomDialog | |
SortDialogClassic | |
ConvertTableToText | |
PictureInsertFromFilePowerPoint | |
ExchangeFolder | |
VisualBasicReferences | |
ViewCustomViews | |
SheetBackground | |
ChartEditDataSource | |
ChartPlacement | |
CalculateNow | |
ObjectEditDialog | |
ObjectFormatDialog | |
QueryRunQuery | |
ControlImage | |
RulerShowHide | |
GridShowHide | |
ContentsAndIndex | |
Help | |
PivotTableEnableSelection | |
PivotTableListFormulas | |
PivotTableSelectData | |
PivotTableSelectLabelAndData | |
PivotTableSelectLabel | |
CalculateSheet | |
FontColorMoreColorsDialog | |
FillEffects | |
TextOrientationAngleCounterclockwise | |
TextOrientationAngleClockwise | |
HyperlinkOpenExcel | |
OpenStartPage | |
WebGoBack | |
WebGoForward | |
AddToFavorites | |
BrowsePrevious | |
BrowseNext | |
BrowseSelector | |
SmartArtInsert | |
ShapeRerouteConnectors | |
ObjectNudgeUp | |
ObjectNudgeDown | |
ObjectNudgeLeft | |
ObjectNudgeRight | |
ShapeCurve | |
ShapeStraightConnector | |
ShapeElbowConnector | |
ObjectFillMoreColorsDialog | |
ObjectBorderOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog | |
LineStylesDialog | |
ArrowsMore | |
TextEffectAlignment | |
TextEffectTracking | |
WordArtVerticalText | |
WordArtEvenTextHeightClassic | |
ContrastMore | |
ContrastLess | |
BrightnessMore | |
BrightnessLess | |
ShadowNudgeUpClassic | |
ShadowNudgeDownClassic | |
ShadowNudgeLeftClassic | |
ShadowNudgeRightClassic | |
ObjectShadowColorMoreColorsDialog | |
HighImportance | |
LowImportance | |
AttachMenu | |
InviteAttendees | |
AcceptInvitation | |
DeclineInvitation | |
TentativeAcceptInvitation | |
NewContact | |
NewTask | |
NewAppointment | |
TextAlignLeft | |
TextAlignCenter | |
ShapeRectangle | |
ShapeRoundedRectangle | |
ShapeIsoscelesTriangle | |
ShapeOval | |
ShapeSmileyFace | |
ShapeDonut | |
ShapeLeftBrace | |
ShapeRightBrace | |
ShapeArc | |
ShapeLightningBolt | |
ShapeHeart | |
ShapeRightArrow | |
ShapeLeftArrow | |
ShapeUpArrow | |
ShapeDownArrow | |
ShapeRoundedRectangularCallout | |
ShapeStar | |
ShapeSeal8 | |
ShapeSeal16 | |
ShapeSeal24 | |
TextAlignRight | |
TextAlignLetterJustify | |
TextAlignWordJustify | |
TextAlignStretchJustify | |
PictureReset | |
PictureRecolorAutomatic | |
PictureRecolorGrayscale | |
PictureRecolorBlackAndWhite | |
PictureRecolorWashout | |
TextWrappingSquare | |
TextWrappingTight | |
TextWrappingNoneClassic | |
TextWrappingEditWrapPoints | |
_3DEffectsOnOffClassic | |
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_3DLightingClassic | |
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_3DExtrusionDepth288Classic | |
_3DExtrusionDepthInfinityClassic | |
_3DExtrusionPerspectiveClassic | |
_3DExtrusionParallelClassic | |
_3DLightingFlatClassic | |
_3DLightingNormalClassic | |
_3DLightingDimClassic | |
_3DSurfaceMatteClassic | |
_3DSurfacePlasticClassic | |
_3DSurfaceMetalClassic | |
_3DSurfaceWireFrameClassic | |
ObjectEditText | |
SnapToShapes | |
TextWrappingMenuClassic | |
WindowsArrangeIcons | |
PictureFormatDialog | |
ViewVisualBasicCode | |
RemoveFromCalendar | |
MasterViewClose | |
CreateShortcutMenuFromMacro | |
DrawingNewClassic | |
HyperlinkInsert | |
HyperlinkEdit | |
ReviewNewComment | |
ReviewPreviousComment | |
ReviewNextComment | |
ReviewDeleteComment | |
ReviewShowOrHideComment | |
ReviewShowAllComments | |
PivotTableOptions | |
DesignMode | |
WordArtInsertDialogClassic | |
FormFieldProperties | |
PhoneticGuideEdit | |
FullScreenViewClassic | |
PhoneticGuideSettings | |
PhoneticGuideFieldShow | |
CircularReferences | |
MasterDocumentExpandOrCollapseSubdocuments | |
Chart3DConeChart | |
InternationalCurrency | |
ObjectsAlignCenterInFormHorixontally | |
ObjectsAlignCenterInFormVertically | |
SizeToControlWidth | |
SizeToControlHeight | |
SizeToControlHeightAndWidth | |
HorizontalSpacingDecrease | |
HorizontalSpacingIncrease | |
ObjectsAlignDistributeHorizontallyRemove | |
VerticalSpacingDecrease | |
VerticalSpacingIncrease | |
ObjectsAlignDistributeVerticallyRemove | |
ObjectsArrangeBottom | |
ObjectsArrangeRight | |
CancelMeeting | |
Private | |
AcceptTask | |
SaveAndNew | |
CopyFolder | |
EmptyTrash | |
RecordInJournal | |
MarkAsUnread | |
CopyToFolder | |
MoveToFolder | |
ShapeFillColorPickerClassic | |
ControlLineColorPicker | |
VisualBasic | |
DoubleBottomBorder | |
BorderThickBottom | |
BorderTopAndBottom | |
BorderTopAndDoubleBottom | |
BorderTopAndThickBottom | |
BordersAll | |
BorderThickOutside | |
SlideBackgroundFormatDialog | |
AutoSummarize | |
ViewDocumentMap | |
ReviewAcceptChange | |
ReviewRejectChange | |
TableDrawBorderPenStyle | |
Font | |
FontSize | |
ZoomClassic | |
CreateMap | |
MergeCellsAcross | |
FieldChooser | |
MessageHeaderToggle | |
MeetingRequest | |
NewNote | |
RecurrenceEdit | |
SendStatusReport | |
ImagerScan | |
QueryReturnGallery | |
SelectRecord | |
SelectAllRecords | |
TableTestValidationRules | |
RelationshipsClearLayout | |
SaveAsQuery | |
LoadFromQuery | |
DatasheetColumnRename | |
FileServerLinkTables | |
DatasheetColumnLookup | |
RecordsRefreshRecords | |
RelationshipsEditRelationships | |
RelationshipsHideTable | |
ReplicationRecoverDesignMaster | |
ReplicationResolveConflicts | |
ReplicationCreateReplica | |
ReplicationSynchronizeNow | |
SetDatabasePassword | |
DatabaseUserLevelSecurityWizard | |
DatabaseUserAndGroupAccounts | |
ControlSpecialEffectEtched | |
ControlSpecialEffectShadowed | |
ControlSpecialEffectChiseled | |
WindowsCascade | |
PositionFitToWindow | |
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BorderInsideVertical | |
BorderDiagonalDown | |
BorderDiagonalUp | |
MagicEightBall | |
TextDirectionLeftToRight | |
TextDirectionRightToLeft | |
ActiveXCheckBox | |
FindDialogExcel | |
ActiveXTextBox | |
ActiveXButton | |
ActiveXRadioButton | |
ActiveXListBox | |
ActiveXComboBox | |
ActiveXToggleButton | |
ActiveXSpinButton | |
ActiveXScrollBar | |
ActiveXLabel | |
ShowBcc | |
ShowFrom | |
DefinePrintStyles | |
TagMarkComplete | |
NewContactFromSameCompany | |
ChooseForm | |
RecoverInviteToMeeting | |
FormPublish | |
SkipOccurrence | |
RightToLeftDocument | |
EditQuery | |
DataRangeProperties | |
RefreshAll | |
RefreshCancel | |
RefreshStatus | |
ClearAll | |
NewPostInThisFolder | |
ReplyToAttendeesWithMessage | |
SaveAndClose | |
AssignTask | |
Recurrence | |
NewMessageToContact | |
NewTaskForContact | |
NewMeetingWithContact | |
NewMessageToAttendees | |
SendUpdate | |
ReplyToAllAttendeesWithMessage | |
PostReplyToFolder | |
ViewAppointmentInCalendar | |
NewJournalEntry | |
NewMailMessage | |
CancelAcceptTask | |
CancelTaskAssignment | |
CancelDeclineTask | |
NewTaskRequest2 | |
RecurrenceEditSeries | |
DataValidation | |
DataValidationCircleInvalid | |
ReviewShareWorkbook | |
ReviewTrackChanges | |
ReviewHighlightChanges | |
DatabaseQueryNew | |
DataValidationClearValidationCircles | |
ReviewEditComment | |
TableDrawTable | |
TableEraser | |
TableCellAlignTop | |
TableCellAlignCenterVertically | |
TableCellAlignBottom | |
TableColumnsDistribute | |
TableRowsDistribute | |
FileCompactAndRepairDatabase | |
DatabaseMakeMdeFile | |
DatabaseEncodeDecode | |
SizeToTallest | |
SizeToShortest | |
SizeToWidest | |
SizeToNarrowest | |
QueryUnionQuery | |
QueryDataDefinition | |
QuerySqlPassThroughQuery | |
ClearGrid | |
ActiveXFrame | |
ActiveXImage | |
ShapeConnectorStyleStraight | |
ShapeConnectorStyleElbow | |
ShapeConnectorStyleCurved | |
WordArtEditTextClassic | |
FilterByResource | |
TableInsertCellsDialog | |
DeleteCells2 | |
TableDeleteRows | |
TableDeleteColumns | |
Organizer | |
ShadowOnOrOffClassic | |
MacroRecorderStop | |
FileSendAsAttachment | |
AutoSummaryViewByHighlight | |
MasterDocument | |
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ListNumFieldInsert | |
ParagraphSpaceBeforeNone | |
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PagePreviousWord | |
PageNextWord | |
MailMergeRecepientsUseExistingList | |
FootnoteNextWord | |
EndnoteInsertWord | |
IndexMarkEntry | |
CitationMark | |
IndexInsert | |
TableOfContentsDialog | |
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TableOfAuthoritiesInsert | |
TextBoxLinkCreate | |
TextBoxLinkBreak | |
TextBoxNextLinked | |
TextBoxPreviousLinked | |
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PrintOptionsMenuWord | |
PageNumberFormat | |
CancelInvitation | |
ContactWebPage | |
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DesignThisForm | |
FileNewDefault | |
FilePrintQuick | |
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WindowsTileHorizontally | |
SpellingAndGrammar | |
CopyToPersonalCalendar | |
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Post | |
NewOfficeDocument | |
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ControlTabControl | |
ControlPage | |
ReviewPreviousChangeClassic | |
ReviewNextChangeClassic | |
DialMenu | |
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MessageProperties | |
PictureInsertFromFile | |
TableDrawBorderPenWeight | |
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TableShowGridlines | |
TableBorderPenColorPicker | |
ShowAutoShapesAndDrawingBars | |
ShapeStraightConnectorArrow | |
ShapeElbowConnectorArrow | |
SourceControlAddObjects | |
SourceControlGetLatestVersion | |
SourceControlCheckOut | |
SourceControlCheckIn | |
SourceControlUndoCheckOut | |
SourceControlShareObjects | |
SourceControlShowDifferences | |
SourceControlShowHistory | |
SourceControlRun | |
SourceControlProperties | |
SourceControlCreateDatabaseFromProject | |
SourceControlAddDatabase | |
SourceControlOptions | |
SourceControlRefreshStatus | |
DatabaseMoveToSharePoint | |
NewPostInThisFolder3 | |
SlideDelete | |
ViewHandoutMasterView | |
ViewNotesMasterView | |
SlidesReuseSlides | |
SlidesFromOutline | |
MovieFromFileInsert | |
SoundInsertFromFile | |
FontsReplaceFonts | |
SpeakerNotes | |
BlackAndWhiteAutomatic | |
BlackAndWhiteBlack | |
BlackAndWhiteBlackWithGrayscaleFill | |
BlackAndWhiteBlackWithWhiteFill | |
BlackAndWhiteDontShow | |
BlackAndWhiteGrayWithWhiteFill | |
BlackAndWhiteGrayscale | |
BlackAndWhiteInverseGrayscale | |
BlackAndWhiteWhite | |
BlackAndWhiteLightGrayscale | |
RecordNarration | |
SlideShowSetUpDialog | |
SummarizeSlide | |
TextWrappingTopAndBottom | |
TextWrappingThrough | |
MoveToFolderMenu | |
MacroRecordOrStop | |
PasteAsHyperlink | |
ParagraphDistributed | |
HyphenationOptions | |
TableRowsOrColumnsDistribute | |
MergeOrSplitCells | |
ReviewJapaneseConsistencyChecker | |
ShowGridlines_HideGridlines | |
AutoSummaryResummarize | |
ViewFooter | |
PictureSetTransparentColor | |
DataRefreshAll | |
BorderTopWord | |
BorderBottomWord | |
BorderLeftWord | |
BorderRightWord | |
TextDirection | |
SlideShowCustom | |
DuplicateSelectedSlides | |
ActionInsert | |
SlideMiniature | |
PivotTableReport | |
ControlSetControlDefaults | |
ControlActiveX | |
FileNewDatabase | |
FileOpenDatabase | |
FileDatabaseProperties | |
DatasheetColumnDelete | |
SelectAllAccess | |
QueryTotalsShowHide | |
MacroConvertMacrosToVisualBasic | |
ViewsDesignView | |
SlideShowInAWindow | |
HangulHanjaConversionPowerPoint | |
ReturnToTaskList | |
MarkTaskComplete | |
NewMailMessage2 | |
PostReply | |
ShowGridOutlook | |
SizeToGridOutlook | |
ControlSnapToGrid | |
MacroSingleStep | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb01 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb02 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb03 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb04 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb05 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb06 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb07 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb08 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb09 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb10 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb11 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb12 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb13 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb14 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb15 | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb16 | |
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SlidesPerPage6Slides | |
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FontConditionalFormatting | |
ReviewProtectAndShareWorkbook | |
ObjectsAlignLeftOutlook | |
ObjectsAlignRightOutlook | |
ObjectsAlignTopOutlook | |
ObjectsAlignBottomOutlook | |
ObjectsAlignCenterHorizontalOutlook | |
ObjectsAlignMiddleVerticalOutlook | |
MicrosoftOnTheWeb17 | |
SizeToGridAccess | |
SizeToFitAccess | |
FieldsManage | |
HorizontalSpacingMakeEqual | |
VerticalSpacingMakeEqual | |
ObjectsAlignToGridOutlook | |
SortAscendingWord | |
SortDescendingWord | |
OutlineGroup | |
OutlineUngroup | |
IndentIncreaseExcel | |
IndentDecreaseExcel | |
ControlAdvancedProperties | |
SaveAttachments | |
ViewVisualBasicCodeAccess | |
FrameInsertHorizontal | |
FormatPictureOrShapeDialogClassic | |
FileSendToPowerPoint | |
DeclineTask | |
AutoFormatNow | |
DataFormWord | |
ReviseContents | |
BulletListDefault | |
NumberListDefault | |
OutlineNumberDefault | |
FormatNumberDefault | |
FootnoteEndnoteDialog | |
TableInsertDialogWord | |
FormFieldClear | |
ObjectBringInFrontOfText | |
ObjectSendBehindText | |
RotateRight2 | |
RotateLeft2 | |
PageBreakInsertWord | |
BordersShadingDialogWord | |
TextBoxWordClassic | |
WordIndent | |
WordOutdent | |
IndentIncreaseWord | |
IndentDecreaseWord | |
SelectObjects | |
Callout | |
ListMacros | |
ReplaceWithAutoText | |
FormatBackground | |
HangulHanjaConversion | |
HeaderSourceEdit | |
IndentIncrease | |
IndentDecrease | |
AsianLayoutFitText | |
AsianLayoutPhoneticGuide | |
AsianLayoutCombineCharacters | |
JapanesePostcardDialog | |
CharacterBorder | |
CharacterShading | |
MoviePlay | |
SlidesPerPage4Slides | |
SlidesPerPage9Slides | |
ViewWebLayoutView | |
PasteAlternative | |
PasteAsNestedTable | |
HyperlinkRemove | |
MacroSecurity | |
HorizontalLineInsert | |
WebPagePreview | |
TableSelectCell | |
TableDelete | |
TableInsertDialog | |
TableRowsInsertAboveWord | |
TableInsertRowsAbove | |
TableRowsInsertBelowWord | |
TableInsertRowsBelow | |
TableColumnsInsertLeft | |
TableInsertColumnsLeft | |
TableColumnsInsertRight | |
TableInsertColumnsRight | |
TablePropertiesDialog | |
TableOptionsDialog | |
SendCopySendNow | |
SendCopySelectNames | |
SendCopyCheckNames | |
SendCopyOptions | |
SendCopyFlag | |
ConferenceMeetNow | |
SendCopySendToMailRecipient | |
TableOfContentsInFrame | |
ComAddInsDialog | |
FramePropertiesDialog | |
PivotChartInsertClassic | |
PivotFieldListShowHide | |
PictureBulletsInsert | |
FileNewWebPage | |
FileNewEmail | |
ToolboxAudio | |
ToolboxVideo | |
ToolboxMarquee | |
CreateStoredProcedure | |
FileNewBlankDocument | |
FileNewDialogClassic | |
ViewNormalViewPowerPoint | |
SynchronizeHtml | |
IgnoreHtmlChanges | |
FileSaveAsWebPage | |
HorizontalLineInsertClassic | |
GetExternalDataFromWeb | |
FrameCreateAbove | |
FrameCreateBelow | |
FrameCreateLeft | |
FrameCreateRight | |
FrameDelete | |
RelationshipsReport | |
NewView | |
GetExternalDataFromText | |
ServerConnection | |
RecordsInsertSubdatasheet | |
AdpDiagramNewLabel | |
AdpDiagramAddRelatedTables | |
AdpDiagramShowRelationshipLabels | |
AdpDiagramViewPageBreaks | |
AdpDiagramRecalculatePageBreaks | |
AdpDiagramArrangeSelection | |
AdpDiagramArrangeTables | |
AdpDiagramNewTable | |
AdpDiagramColumnProperties | |
AdpDiagramColumnNames | |
AdpDiagramKeys | |
AdpDiagramNameOnly | |
AdpDiagramCustomView | |
AdpDiagramDeleteTable | |
AdpDiagramHideTable | |
AdpDiagramAutosizeSelectedTables | |
DiagramDeleteRelationship | |
WindowMoveSplit | |
EastAsianEditingMarks | |
FilePublishAsWebPage | |
TableAutoFitContents | |
TableAutoFitWindow | |
TableAutoFitFixedColumnWidth | |
TableCellAlignTopLeft | |
TableCellAlignTopCenter | |
TableCellAlignTopRight | |
TableCellAlignMiddleLeft | |
TableCellAlignMiddleCenter | |
TableCellAlignMiddleRight | |
TableCellAlignBottomLeft | |
TableCellAlignBottomCenter | |
TableCellAlignBottomRight | |
ServerFilterApply | |
WebControlCheckBox | |
WebControlOptionButton | |
WebControlDropDownBox | |
WebControlListBox | |
WebControlTextBox | |
WebControlTextArea | |
WebControlSubmit | |
WebControlSubmitWithImage | |
WebControlReset | |
WebControlHidden | |
WebControlPassword | |
TableSetLeftToRight | |
TableSetRightToLeft | |
ChineseTranslationDialog | |
TableInsertMultidiagonalCell | |
AsianLayoutCharactersEnclose | |
ServerFilterByForm | |
EnvelopeChineseDialog | |
AdpVerifySqlSyntax | |
AdpDiagramTableModesMenu | |
CreateDiagram | |
RecordsExpandAllSubdatasheets | |
RecordsCollapseAllSubdatasheets | |
ObjectsMultiSelect | |
DatabaseLinedTableManager | |
TranslateToTraditionalChinese | |
TextWrappingBehindText | |
TextWrappingInFrontOfText | |
WatermarkCustomDialog | |
FrameSaveCurrentAs | |
AdpOutputOperationsTableRemove | |
AdpOutputOperationsGroupBy | |
AdpViewDiagramPane | |
AdpViewGridPane | |
AdpViewSqlPane | |
AdpOutputOperationsAddToOutput | |
AdpOutputOperationsSortAscending | |
AdpOutputOperationsSortDescending | |
DatabaseAccessBackEnd | |
DatabasePartialReplica | |
TextDirectionContext | |
TranslateToSimplifiedChinese | |
ChineseTranslationMenu | |
FileBackUpSqlDatabase | |
ServerRestoreSqlDatabase | |
FileDropSqlDatabase | |
DatabaseSetLogonSecurity | |
DatabaseSqlServer | |
DatabaseSwitchboardManager | |
WebServerDiscussions | |
FontColorMoreColorsDialogPowerPoint | |
HyperlinksVerify | |
BlackAndWhite | |
CancelRequest | |
ViewMasterDocumentViewClassic | |
HyperlinkInsertPowerPoint | |
AddOrRemoveAttendees | |
NewDistributionList | |
CalculateFull | |
SizeMenu | |
ScriptDebugger | |
RunThisForm | |
MessageFormatPlainText | |
MessageFormatHtml | |
MessageFormatRichText | |
ExportToVCardFile | |
MessageOptions | |
MapContactAddress | |
SignatureInsertMenu | |
DesignAFormOutlook | |
WatchWindow | |
FormulaEvaluate | |
LineSpacing | |
WordCountList | |
StylesModifyStyle | |
MacroRun | |
ServerProperties | |
SignatureShow | |
StylesPane | |
SpeechMicrophone | |
SubformInNewWindow | |
NumberingRestart | |
DrawingCanvasInsert | |
ViewsPivotTableView | |
ViewsPivotChartView | |
DiagramRadialInsertClassic | |
DiagramCycleInsertClassic | |
DiagramPyramidInsertClassic | |
DiagramTargetInsertClassic | |
DiagramVennDiagramInsertClassic | |
DiagramChangeToRadialClassic | |
DiagramChangeToCycleClassic | |
DiagramChangeToTargetClassic | |
DiagramChangeToVennDiagramClassic | |
PasteByAppendingTable | |
OrganizationChartInsertAssistant | |
OrganizationChartInsertCoworker | |
OrganizationChartInsertSubordinate | |
AdpStoredProcedureEditSql | |
DrawingCanvasFit | |
DrawingCanvasResize | |
ColorGrayscaleMenu | |
ViewBackToColorView | |
ViewDisplayInGrayscale | |
ViewDisplayInHighContrast | |
ViewDisplayInPureBlackAndWhite | |
PivotAutoFilter | |
PivotSubtotal | |
PivotRefresh | |
PivotMoveToFieldArea | |
PivotMoveToColumnArea | |
PivotMoveToFilterArea | |
PivotMoveToDetailArea | |
PivotExpandField | |
PivotExportToExcel | |
PivotExpandIndicators | |
PivotDropAreas | |
SearchUI | |
MailMergeMergeToEMail | |
MailMergeMergeToFax | |
MailMergeCreateList | |
DrawingCanvasExpand | |
TextWrappingInLineWithText | |
SlidesPerPage1Slide | |
ReviewSendForReview | |
WorkgroupAdmin | |
AdpDiagramAddTable | |
WebComponent | |
PasteSpecial | |
AttachFile | |
DiagramChangeToPyramidClassic | |
DiagramShapeMoveBackwardClassic | |
DiagramShapeMoveForwardClassic | |
SlideMasterPreserveMaster | |
SlideMasterRenameMaster | |
CharacterCodeToggle | |
LinkBarCustom | |
BorderDrawMenu | |
BorderErase | |
BorderStyle | |
StylesStyleVisibility | |
ShowFormulas | |
DatabaseCopyDatabaseFile | |
FileServerTransferDatabase | |
DiagramStylesClassic | |
MailMergeHighlightMergeFields | |
MailMergeWizard | |
OrganizationChartAutoLayout | |
OrganizationChartSelectLevel | |
OrganizationChartSelectBranch | |
OrganizationChartSelectAllAssistants | |
OrganizationChartSelectAllConnectors | |
PivotTableOlapPropertyFields | |
RevealFormatting | |
DiagramReverseClassic | |
DiagramAutoLayoutClassic | |
PasteTableFromExcel | |
TranslationPane | |
GoToTableOfContents | |
TableOfContentsUpdate | |
OutlineLevelGallery | |
OutlineShowLevel | |
ErrorChecking | |
BulletsAndNumberingNumberingDialog | |
NumberingContinue | |
FileCheckOut | |
FileCheckIn | |
OrganizationChartLayoutStandard | |
OrganizationChartLayoutBothHanging | |
OrganizationChartLayoutLeftHanging | |
OrganizationChartLayoutRightHanging | |
PivotTableGenerateGetPivotData | |
ReviewReplyWithChanges | |
StylesStyleSeparator | |
BorderDrawLine | |
BorderDrawGrid | |
OutlinePromoteToHeading | |
MicrosoftOutlook | |
ReviewPreviousChange | |
ReviewNextChange | |
ReviewReviewingPane | |
ReviewAcceptChangeClassic | |
ReviewRejectChangeOrDeleteComment | |
PageOrientationLandscape | |
PageOrientationPortrait | |
GetExternalDataImportClassic | |
SlideReset | |
AnimationOnClick | |
StartAfterPrevious | |
MailMergeMatchFields | |
MailMergeAddressBlockInsert | |
MailMergeGreetingLineInsert | |
MailMergeMergeFieldInsert | |
MailMergeRecipientsEditList | |
PicturesCompress | |
TableAutoFormatStyle | |
PivotAutoCalcMenu | |
PivotChartType | |
PivotChartMultiplePlots | |
PivotChartMultipleUnified | |
PivotSwitchRowColumn | |
DrillInto | |
MailMergeFindRecipient | |
VerticallyDistributed | |
ReviewDeleteCommentPowerPoint | |
ReviewNextCommentPowerPoint | |
ReviewPreviousCommentPowerPoint | |
ReviewShowOrHideMarkup | |
FontSchemes | |
FormFieldReset | |
MailMergeUpdateLabels | |
PivotCollapseFieldAccess | |
PivotShowDetails | |
PivotHideDetails | |
PivotChartLegendShowHide | |
AnimationAudio | |
DiagramFitToContentsClassic | |
DiagramResizeClassic | |
DiagramExpandClassic | |
PivotShowAsMenu | |
OrganizationChartResize | |
AcceptProposal | |
AppointmentColor0 | |
AppointmentColor1 | |
AppointmentColor2 | |
AppointmentColor3 | |
AppointmentColor4 | |
AppointmentColor5 | |
AppointmentColor6 | |
AppointmentColor7 | |
AppointmentColor8 | |
AppointmentColor9 | |
AppointmentColor10 | |
AppointmentColorDialog | |
ProposeNewTime | |
ViewAllProposals | |
ReviewDeleteAllMarkupOnSlide | |
PasteOption | |
MailMergeSetDocumentType | |
DiagramShapeInsertClassic | |
OrganizationChartStyle | |
AdpStoredProcedureQuerySelect | |
AdpStoredProcedureQueryMakeTable | |
AdpStoredProcedureQueryUpdate | |
AdpStoredProcedureQueryAppend | |
AdpStoredProcedureQueryAppendValues | |
AdpStoredProcedureQueryDelete | |
ReviewDisplayForReview | |
ReviewNewCommentMenu | |
ReviewAllowUsersToEditRanges | |
SpeakCells | |
SpeakStop | |
SpeakByRows | |
SpeakByColumns | |
SpeakOnEnter | |
Translate | |
PivotClearCustomOrdering | |
PivotFilterBySelection | |
PivotRemoveField | |
PivotGroupItems | |
PivotUngroupItems | |
DrillOut | |
AdpManageIndexes | |
ViewGridlinesPowerPoint | |
AdpDiagramIndexesKeys | |
AdpDiagramRelationships | |
AdpConstraints | |
PhotoAlbumInsert | |
PhotoAlbumEdit | |
DrawingCanvasScale | |
OrgChartScale | |
DiagramScale | |
ProtectDocument | |
BrightnessAndContrastEdit | |
TableInsertExcel | |
ReadingMode | |
ReadingViewClose | |
PersonaStatusOnline | |
PersonaStatusOffline | |
PersonaStatusAway | |
PersonaStatusBusy | |
GoToMail | |
ResearchPane | |
TableStyleTotalsRow | |
TableRowsInsertAboveExcel | |
TableRowsDeleteExcel | |
TableConvertToRange | |
PrintListRange | |
ReadingModeMini | |
DocumentMapReadingView | |
ReadingViewResearchPane | |
ReadingViewFontSizeIncrease | |
ReadingViewFontSizeDecrease | |
ReadingViewShowPrintedPage | |
ViewRulerWord | |
FileInternetFax | |
XmlExport | |
XmlImport | |
ViewDocumentActionsPane | |
DatabaseObjectDependencies | |
ReviewShowInk | |
InkEraseMode | |
TableColumnsInsertLeftExcel | |
TableColumnsDeleteExcel | |
NewAlert | |
InkDeleteAllInk | |
TableUnlinkExternalData | |
TableExportTableToSharePointList | |
LookUp | |
FilePackageForCD | |
DesignXml | |
WindowSideBySide | |
ViewGridlinesFrontPage | |
ChangeBinding | |
ListSynchronize | |
ChangesDiscardAndRefresh | |
TableOpenInBrowser | |
TableResize | |
XmlExpansionPacksExcel | |
FileVersionHistory | |
FileVersionHistoryWord | |
FrontPageToggleBookmark | |
XmlDataRefresh | |
XmlMapProperties | |
WindowSideBySideSynchronousScrolling | |
WindowResetPosition | |
InkColorMoreColorsDialog | |
XmlTransformation | |
XmlEditQuery | |
JotInkStyle1 | |
InsertDrawingCanvas | |
FilePermissionView | |
FilePermission | |
ReadingViewAllowMultiplePages | |
VoiceInsertInComment | |
RmsInvokeBrowser | |
RmsImportanceCheck | |
RmsImportanceUncheck | |
ViewThumbnails | |
Thesaurus | |
InkingStart | |
VoteMenu | |
RmsNavigationBar | |
RmsSendBizcard | |
RmsSendBizcardDesign | |
FindText | |
AudioNoteDelete | |
ViewFullScreenReadingView | |
VisibilityVisible | |
VisibilityHidden | |
VisibilityInherit | |
InkDrawingAndWriting | |
ReviewInkCommentPen | |
ReviewInkCommentEraser | |
NewInternetFax | |
MeetingsWorkspace | |
InkEraser | |
InkStopInkingReadingView | |
StarUnratedEmpty | |
StarUnratedFull | |
StarRatedEmpty | |
StarRatedFull | |
StarRatedHalf | |
OutlookGlobe | |
OutlookGears | |
MsnLogo | |
GoLeftToRight | |
GoLtrHover | |
GoLtrFocus | |
GoLtrDown | |
GoRtl | |
GoRtlHover | |
GoRtlFocus | |
GoRtlDown | |
StopLeftToRight | |
StopLtrHover | |
StopLtrFocus | |
StopLtrDown | |
StopRtl | |
StopRtlHover | |
StopRtlFocus | |
StopRtlDown | |
ForwardToMobile | |
JunkEmailAddToBlockedSendersList | |
JunkEmailMarkAsNotJunk | |
JunkEmailOptions | |
CategoryCollapse | |
DataSourceCatalogServerScript | |
PermissionRestrict | |
Risks | |
SetPertWeights | |
PanAndZoomWindow | |
FileBackupDatabase | |
OrganizationOutlook | |
ThemeBrowseForThemesPowerPoint | |
AccessNavigationOptions | |
WorkflowComplete | |
WorkflowPending | |
Connections | |
ViewGoBack | |
ViewGoForward | |
ListSetNumberingValue | |
SlideMasterInsertLayout | |
FileViewDigitalSignatures | |
SignaturesLoading | |
AppointmentAttachment | |
ViewsReportView | |
FileCloseDatabase | |
OpenInfopathForm | |
FileWorkflowTasks | |
FileStartWorkflow | |
SharingRequestAllow | |
SharingRequestDeny | |
SharingOpenCalendarFolder | |
SignatureLineInsert | |
SlideThemesGallery | |
ApplicationOptionsDialog | |
BibliographyInsert | |
BibliographyStyle | |
CitationInsert | |
BibliographyManageSources | |
BibliographyAddNewSource | |
LabelInsert | |
BarcodeInsert | |
CongratulatoryEvent | |
CondolatoryEvent | |
ViewPageLayoutView | |
PivotClearAll | |
ChartStylesGallery | |
ChartLayoutGallery | |
ChartSaveTemplates | |
ChartAxisTitles | |
ChartAxes | |
ChartGridlines | |
ChartMoreElement | |
ChartFormatSelection | |
ChartElementSelector | |
PageMarginsGallery | |
LimeCatsAndDogsGallery | |
DropCapInsertGallery | |
TrustCenter | |
ReadingViewAllowTyping | |
ReadingViewMarginSettingsMenu | |
CalendarInsert | |
SlideShowFromCurrent | |
BulletsGallery | |
NumberingGallery | |
LineSpacingGalleryPowerPoint | |
SlideNewGallery | |
SlideLayoutGallery | |
ShapesInsertGallery | |
ShapeChangeShapeGallery | |
ShapeFillTextureGallery | |
ShapeStylesGallery | |
PageOrientationGallery | |
FileServerTasksMenu | |
FileSendMenu | |
GroupFont | |
GroupParagraph | |
GroupStyles | |
GroupProofing | |
GroupInsertPages | |
GroupInsertIllustrations | |
GroupShapes | |
GroupWordArtText | |
GroupPageSetup | |
GroupParagraphLayout | |
GroupCitationsAndBibliography | |
GroupFootnotes | |
GroupTableOfContents | |
GroupMailMergeWriteInsertFields | |
GroupMailMergePreviewResults | |
GroupMailMergeFinish | |
GroupChangesTracking | |
GroupComments | |
GroupChanges | |
GroupCompare | |
GroupPictureSize | |
GroupDrawBorders | |
GroupTableAlignment | |
GroupTableProperties | |
GroupTableTools | |
GroupSlides | |
GroupTextBoxText | |
GroupArrange | |
GroupInsertMediaClips | |
GroupSlideThemes | |
GroupThemes | |
GroupBackground | |
GroupPreview | |
GroupAnimations | |
GroupTransitionToThisSlide | |
GroupSlideShowStart | |
GroupSlideShowSetup | |
GroupShapeStyles | |
GroupFill | |
GroupLines | |
GroupEffects | |
GroupChartLayouts | |
GroupChartStyles | |
GroupChartAxes | |
GroupChartShapes | |
GroupNumber | |
GroupAlignmentExcel | |
GroupCells | |
GroupSortFilter | |
GroupInsertTablesExcel | |
GroupOrganizationChartShapeInsert | |
GroupPageLayoutScaleToFit | |
GroupPageLayoutSheetOptions | |
GroupFunctionLibrary | |
GroupNamedCells | |
GroupFormulaAuditing | |
GroupGetExternalData | |
GroupConnections | |
GroupOutline | |
GroupDataTools | |
GroupChangesExcel | |
FollowUpReadMenu | |
StylesManageStyles | |
StylesStyleInspector | |
ObjectEffectPresetGallery | |
PictureEffectsPresetGallery | |
_3DRotationGallery | |
ControlLayoutTabular | |
ControlLayoutStacked | |
ControlLayoutRemove | |
ShapeFillColorPicker | |
OutlineColorPicker | |
ResultsPaneStartFindAndReplace | |
FileDocumentInspect | |
ImportSavedImports | |
ImportAccess | |
ImportExcel | |
ImportTextFile | |
ImportSharePointList | |
ImportXmlFile | |
ImportOdbcDatabase | |
ImportHtmlDocument | |
ImportOutlook | |
ImportDBase | |
ImportParadox | |
ImportLotus | |
ExportSavedExports | |
ExportExcel | |
ExportSharePointList | |
ExportWord | |
ExportAccess | |
ExportTextFile | |
ExportXmlFile | |
ExportOdbcDatabase | |
ExportSnapshot | |
ExportHtmlDocument | |
ExportDBase | |
ExportParadox | |
ExportLotus | |
QuickStylesGallery | |
QuickStylesSets | |
ClearFormatting | |
FormRegionOpen | |
FormRegionSave | |
PanningHand | |
BulletsGalleryWord | |
NumberingGalleryWord | |
SharePointListsWorkOffline | |
SynchronizeData | |
SharePointListsDiscardAllChangesAndRefresh | |
FileManageMenu | |
ViewsModeMenu | |
GroupSortAndFilter | |
SortSelectionMenu | |
FiltersMenu | |
RecordsMoreRecordsMenu | |
FieldsMenu | |
RecordsSubdatasheetMenu | |
GroupAutoFormatAccess | |
GroupTextFormatting | |
GroupDataTypeAndFormatting | |
AlignLeftToRightMenu | |
GroupCreateTables | |
GroupCreateForms | |
GroupCreateReports | |
GroupCreateOther | |
GroupSharepointLists | |
GroupCollectData | |
GroupImport | |
ImportMoreMenu | |
GroupExport | |
ExportMoreMenu | |
GroupDatabaseTools | |
DatabasePermissionsMenu | |
GroupMacro | |
GroupDatabaseSourceControl | |
GroupSourceControlShow | |
GroupSourceControlManage | |
GroupRelationships | |
GroupMacroRows | |
GroupQuerySetup | |
GroupQueryType | |
SqlSpecificMenu2 | |
GroupQueryTools | |
GroupControls | |
GroupPageLayoutAccess | |
GroupZoom | |
GroupToolsAccess | |
GroupRichText | |
GroupSizeAndPosition | |
PivotShowTopAndBottomItemsMenu | |
PivotFormulasMenu | |
FilePublishSlides | |
SlideShowUsePresenterView | |
ArrowStyleGallery | |
OutlineDashesGallery | |
OutlineWeightGallery | |
GroupAlignment | |
GroupPictureTools | |
GroupSize | |
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CellAlignmentOptions | |
PageSetupPageDialog | |
PageSetupSheetDialog | |
PivotTableLayoutGrandTotals | |
GroupPivotTableActiveField | |
GroupPivotTableLayout | |
GroupPivotTableSort | |
GroupPivotTableShowHide | |
PivotTableLayoutSubtotals | |
GroupPivotTableGroup | |
GroupPivotTableTools | |
GroupPivotTableData | |
GroupPivotTableOptions | |
GroupPivotTableStyles | |
GroupPivotTableStyleOptions | |
WrapText | |
ClearMenu | |
ProofingToolsFlyoutAnchor | |
PictureInsertMenu | |
ReviewTrackChangesMenu | |
ReviewAcceptChangeMenu | |
ReviewRejectChangeMenu | |
ReviewBalloonsMenu | |
GroupTableStylesPowerPoint | |
GroupTableRowsAndColumns | |
GroupTableData | |
ObjectAlignMenu | |
MovieInsert | |
ObjectRotateGallery | |
FillMenu | |
SelectMenu | |
OrientationMenu | |
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AutoSumMenu | |
PrintAreaMenu | |
PageBreakMenu | |
NameDefineMenu | |
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WhatIfAnalysisMenu | |
PivotTableFormulasMenu | |
PivotTableOlapTools | |
PivotTableOptionsMenu | |
AnimationGallery | |
AnimationTransitionGallery | |
AnimationTransitionSpeedGallery | |
ErrorCheckingMenu | |
TraceRemoveArrowsMenu | |
SortFilterMenu | |
FontColorPicker | |
TableColumnsGallery | |
CellFillColorPicker | |
BorderDoubleBottom | |
ChartTitle | |
ChartPrimaryHorizontalAxisTitle | |
ChartPrimaryVerticalAxisTitle | |
ChartDepthAxisTitle | |
ChartLegend | |
ChartDataLabel | |
ChartPrimaryHorizontalGridlines | |
ChartPrimaryVerticalGridlines | |
ChartDepthGridlines | |
ChartPrimaryHorizontalAxis | |
ChartPrimaryVerticalAxis | |
ChartDepthAxis | |
ChartDataTable | |
ChartTrendline | |
ChartErrorBars | |
ChartLines | |
ChartUpDownBars | |
ChartPlotArea | |
ChartWall | |
ChartFloor | |
GroupMarginsAndPadding | |
ControlLineTypeGallery | |
ControlLineThicknessGallery | |
GroupMacroTools | |
ReplicationOptionsMenu | |
GroupRecords | |
LassoSelect | |
SmartArtAddShape | |
SmartArtIncreaseFontSize | |
SmartArtDecreaseFontSize | |
SmartArtLargerShape | |
SmartArtSmallerShape | |
SmartArtResetGraphic | |
SmartArtResetShape | |
SmartArtTextPane | |
SmartArtEditIn2D | |
SmartArtLayoutGallery | |
SmartArtMoreLayoutsDialog | |
SmartArtStylesGallery | |
SmartArtChangeColorsGallery | |
ObjectEffectSoftEdgesGallery | |
ObjectEffectGlowGallery | |
GradientGallery | |
ObjectEffectShadowGallery | |
WordArtInsertGallery | |
TextEffectTransformGallery | |
TextNoTransform | |
TextPathArchUp | |
TextPathArchDown | |
TextPathCircle | |
TextPathButton | |
TextPlain | |
TextStop | |
TextTriangle | |
TextTriangleInverted | |
TextChevron | |
TextChevronInverted | |
TextRingInside | |
TextRingOutside | |
TextArchUpPour | |
TextArchDownPour | |
TextCirclePour | |
TextButtonPour | |
TextCurveUp | |
TextCurveDown | |
TextCascadeUp | |
TextCascadeDown | |
TextWave1 | |
TextWave2 | |
TextWave3 | |
TextWave4 | |
TextInflate | |
TextDeflate | |
TextInflateBottom | |
TextDeflateBottom | |
TextInflateTop | |
TextDeflateTop | |
TextDeflateInflate | |
TextDeflateInflateDeflate | |
TextFadeRight | |
TextFadeLeft | |
TextFadeUp | |
TextFadeDown | |
TextSlantUp | |
TextSlantDown | |
TextCanUp | |
TextCanDown | |
GroupHeaderFooterExcel | |
HeaderFooterHeaderGallery | |
HeaderFooterFooterGallery | |
GroupHeaderFooterElements | |
HeaderFooterPageNumberInsertExcel | |
HeaderFooterNumberOfPagesInsert | |
HeaderFooterCurrentDate | |
HeaderFooterCurrentTimeInsert | |
HeaderFooterFilePathInsert | |
HeaderFooterFileNameInsert | |
HeaderFooterSheetNameInsert | |
HeaderFooterPictureInsert | |
HeaderFooterFormatPicture | |
GroupHeaderFooterOptions | |
FontShadingColorMoreColorsDialog | |
FontColorMoreColorsDialogExcel | |
BorderMoreColorsDialog | |
SheetTabColorMoreColorsDialog | |
PivotTableNewStyle | |
PivotPlusMinusFieldHeadersShowHide | |
PivotTableExpandField | |
PivotCollapseField | |
ConditionalFormattingDataBarsGallery | |
ConditionalFormattingColorScalesGallery | |
ConditionalFormattingIconSetsGallery | |
TableColumnsInsertRightExcel | |
TableRowsInsertBelowExcel | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightBetween | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightCompareColumns | |
PivotTableStylesGallery | |
FormatAsTableGallery | |
TableStylesGalleryExcel | |
ConditionalFormattingsManage | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightGreaterThan | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightLessThan | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightEqualTo | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightTextContaining | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightDateOccuring | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightDuplicateValues | |
ConditionalFormattingTopNItems | |
ConditionalFormattingTopNPercent | |
ConditionalFormattingBottomNItems | |
ConditionalFormattingBottomNPercent | |
ConditionalFormattingAboveAverage | |
ConditionalFormattingBelowAverage | |
RemoveDuplicates | |
FilterReapply | |
CreateEmail | |
ManageReplies | |
ReviewPreviousCommentWord | |
ReviewNextCommentWord | |
ThemeColorsGallery | |
PivotTableInsert | |
PivotChartInsert | |
PivotTableMove | |
PivotTableChangeDataSource | |
BuildingBlocksCreateNewFromSel | |
HeaderInsertGallery | |
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CoverPageInsertGallery | |
PageNumberFieldInsertGallery | |
WatermarkGallery | |
EquationInsertGallery | |
QuickTablesInsertGallery | |
QuickPartsInsertGallery | |
SharePointListsDiscardAllChanges | |
SortRemoveAllSorts | |
GroupSmartArtLayouts | |
GroupSmartArtQuickStyles | |
GroupSmartArtChooseColor | |
GroupSmartArtCreateGraphic | |
GroupSmartArtReset | |
GroupSmartArtSize | |
ConditionalFormattingHighlightCellsMenu | |
ConditionalFormattingTopBottomMenu | |
SaveSelectionToQuickPartGallery | |
SaveSelectionToCoverPageGallery | |
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ViewsDatasheetView | |
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AccessFormModalDialog | |
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ControlTitle | |
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FileSaveAsPdfOrXps | |
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SelectMenuExcel | |
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NameUseInFormula | |
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XmlSource | |
GroupClipboard | |
GroupInsertTables | |
GroupInsertLinks | |
GroupInsertSymbols | |
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PivotTableGroupSelection | |
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WindowSwitchWindowsMenuWord | |
WindowSwitchWindowsMenuPowerPoint | |
WindowSwitchWindowsMenuExcel | |
ShapeFillMoreGradientsDialog | |
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BuildingBlocksOrganizer | |
TableSharePointListsModifyColumnsAndSettings | |
TableListAlertMe | |
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TableListPermissions | |
TableSharePointListsRefreshList | |
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ControlAttachment | |
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RecordsRefreshMenu | |
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ReviewDeleteCommentsMenuPowerPoint | |
GroupMerge | |
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TextBoxInsertMenu | |
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GroupChartLocation | |
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PictureRecolorGallery | |
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TableEffectsCellBevelGallery | |
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GroupTableCellSize | |
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TableBorderColorMoreColorsDialog | |
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TextGlowColorMoreColorsDialog | |
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ShapeConnectorStyleMenu | |
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DistributionListRemoveMember | |
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ObjectsGroupOutlook | |
ObjectsUngroupOutlook | |
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FormPublishMenu | |
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FormRegionMenu | |
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ContentControlDropDownList | |
ContentControlBuildingBlockGallery | |
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TextBoxInsertWord | |
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ObjectBringToFrontMenuOutlook | |
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CustomTableOfContentsGallery | |
CustomBibliographyGallery | |
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CustomGallery2 | |
CustomGallery3 | |
CustomGallery4 | |
CustomGallery5 | |
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ReviewReviewingPaneMenu | |
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GroupPictureToolsClassic | |
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GroupSmartArtShapes | |
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GroupInsertText | |
Drawing1ColorPickerFill | |
ShapeOutlineColorPicker | |
Drawing1ColorPickerLineStyles | |
Drawing1ColorPickerLineStyles2 | |
Drawing1GalleryTextures | |
InsertBuildingBlocksHeaderGallery | |
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InsertBuildingBlocksCommonPartsGallery | |
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InsertPicturePowerPointFlyoutAnchor | |
TableSelectMenuPowerPoint | |
TableDeleteRowsAndColumnsMenu | |
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AccountingFormatMenu | |
GroupCommentShapes | |
GroupCommentPosition | |
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FileMenuSendHeader | |
FileMenuServerTasksHeader | |
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ContentControlsGroupMenu | |
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TableExportTableToVisioPivotDiagram | |
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EquationProfessional | |
EquationLinearFormat | |
EquationNormalText | |
EquationSymbolsInsertGallery | |
EquationIntegralGallery | |
EquationFractionGallery | |
EquationRadicalGallery | |
EquationLargeOperatorGallery | |
EquationDelimiterGallery | |
EquationScriptGallery | |
EquationFunctionGallery | |
EquationAccentGallery | |
EquationLimitGallery | |
EquationOperatorGallery | |
EquationMatrixGallery | |
EquationOptions | |
GroupEquationTools | |
GroupEquationSymbols | |
GroupEquationStructures | |
EquationOptionsMenu | |
GroupBasicText | |
GroupInclude | |
GroupFields | |
GroupMessageFormat | |
GroupTracking | |
GroupMoreOptions | |
GroupCommunicate | |
GroupTimer | |
SaveSentItemsMenu | |
DelayDeliveryOutlook | |
DirectRepliesTo | |
SaveSentItemRecentlyUsedFolder | |
SaveSentItemOtherFolder | |
FindRelatedMenu | |
OtherActionsMenu | |
EncodingMenu | |
Drawing1GalleryRotateObject | |
MailMergeMergeFieldInsertMenu | |
ReviewDeleteAllMarkupInPresentation | |
PasteMenu | |
GroupPictureStyles | |
PictureStylesGallery | |
GroupInsertChartsExcel | |
ChartTypeColumnInsertGallery | |
ChartTypeLineInsertGallery | |
ChartTypePieInsertGallery | |
ChartTypeBarInsertGallery | |
ChartTypeAreaInsertGallery | |
ChartTypeXYScatterInsertGallery | |
ChartTypeOtherInsertGallery | |
ChartTypeAllInsertDialog | |
PivotChartClearMenu | |
ReviewAcceptChangeAndMoveToNext | |
ReviewRejectChangeAndMoveToNext | |
PictureEffectsShadowGallery | |
PictureEffectsGlowGallery | |
PictureEffectsSoftEdgesGallery | |
PictureReflectionGallery | |
PictureReflectionGalleryItem | |
PictureRotationGallery | |
ReadingViewShowOriginalOrFinalDocument | |
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InkToolsClose | |
GroupChineseTranslation | |
CloseMasterView | |
SheetRowsInsert | |
SheetColumnsInsert | |
SheetRowsDelete | |
SheetColumnsDelete | |
JustifyVerticalFlyoutAnchor | |
JustifyLowVertical | |
JustifyMediumVertical | |
JustifyHighVertical | |
LineSpacingMenu | |
WordOpenParaAbove | |
WordCloseParaAbove | |
WordOpenParaBelow | |
WordCloseParaBelow | |
AdpNewTable | |
ViewsSwitchToDefaultView | |
GroupDocumentViews | |
GroupViewShowHide | |
GroupWindow | |
GroupWorkbookViews | |
ViewGridlines | |
ViewHeadings | |
GroupPresentationViews | |
GroupColorGrayscale | |
RefreshAllMenu | |
DataValidationMenu | |
GroupViews | |
GroupViewsShowHide | |
GroupViewZoom | |
GroupWindowAccess | |
FPTableAutoFormat | |
FPTable | |
PageViewMenu | |
ShowTimeZones | |
ViewOnlineConnection | |
CLViewDialogHelpID | |
FileDocumentEncrypt | |
WordArtFormatDialog | |
MoreTextureOptions | |
TextFillColorMoreColorsDialog | |
ZoomFitToWindow | |
ZoomTwoPages | |
BorderTopNoToggle | |
BorderBottomNoToggle | |
BorderLeftNoToggle | |
BorderRightNoToggle | |
WindowSplitToggle | |
QuickPartsInsertFromOnline | |
JotShapeRectangle | |
JotShapeEllipse | |
JotShapeParallelogram | |
JotShapeDiamond | |
JotSendPdf | |
ProjectTaskDrivers | |
ProjectStatusReports | |
ProjectRecalcChangeHighlighting | |
ProjectAdvancedDesktopReporting | |
ProjectManageDeliverables | |
ProjectManageDependenciesOnDeliverables | |
JotLineColor | |
AddInsMenu | |
GroupPrintPreviewPageSetup | |
GroupPrintPageBackground | |
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ViewDirectionMenu | |
JustifyThaiVertical | |
FileEmailAsPdfEmailAttachment | |
FileEmailAsXpsEmailAttachment | |
FontFillBackColorPicker | |
GroupArrangeOutlook | |
GroupTemplates | |
SelectMenuAccess | |
GoToMenuAccess | |
GroupQueryResults | |
GroupAdminister | |
GroupTableDesignShowHide | |
GroupPrintPreviewData | |
GroupPrintPreviewClosePreview | |
GroupFormatting | |
GroupQueryClose | |
GroupMacroClose | |
ObjectsGroupMenuOutlook | |
RegionLayoutMenu | |
ResponsesMenu | |
GroupOpen | |
SpellingMenu | |
GroupPrintPreviewZoom | |
PictureEffectsMenu | |
PictureShapeGallery | |
PictureBorderColorPickerClassic | |
GroupInsertShapes | |
PhotoAlbumInsertMenu | |
GroupChartBackground | |
GroupChartAnalysis | |
ZoomToSelection | |
FileNewBlogPost | |
GroupBlogPublish | |
BlogPublishMenu | |
BlogPublish | |
BlogPublishDraft | |
BlogManageAccounts | |
GroupBlogProperties | |
BlogCategories | |
BlogCategoryInsert | |
BlogCategoriesRefresh | |
BlogOpenExisting | |
GroupBlogBasicText | |
GroupBlogInsertText | |
DeleteSlideContextual | |
AutoSigInsertPictureFromFile | |
AutoSigWebInsertHyperlink | |
GroupFind | |
ViewPreviousItemMenu | |
ViewNextItemMenu | |
ContactLinkMenu | |
NewTableStyleWord | |
CacheListData | |
AccessRefreshAllLists | |
AccessOfflineLists | |
AccessOnlineLists | |
GridlinesExcel | |
UnmergeCells | |
MenuPublish | |
FileMenuPublishHeader | |
ChangeStylesMenu | |
GroupBlogInsertLinks | |
SharePointSiteRecycleBin | |
SubformMenu | |
LabelFontDialog | |
PrintDialogAccess | |
ForwardInForwardMenu | |
FileCompatibilityCheckerPowerPoint | |
SharingNone | |
AccessRecycleBin | |
FileCompatibilityCheckerWord | |
AccessRelinkLists | |
StopAnimation | |
ViewSideBySide | |
TableBackgroundPictureFill | |
GroupAttendeesMeetingSent | |
ImexRunImport | |
ImexRunExport | |
GroupTools | |
GroupFormattingControls | |
GroupControlAlignmentLayout | |
GroupDesignGridlines | |
GroupFormattingGridlines | |
GroupFieldsTools | |
GroupFontAccess | |
GroupDatasheetRelationships | |
GroupPositionLayout | |
GroupControlPositionLayout | |
GroupControlSize | |
PrintPreviewZoomMenu | |
GroupMarginsAndPaddingControlLayout | |
RecordsDeleteColumn | |
ViewsAdpDiagramPrintPreview | |
UpgradePresentation | |
ChartShowDataContextualMenu | |
ChartSourceDataContextualMenu | |
FileSaveAsOtherFormats | |
FileSaveAsWordDocx | |
FileSaveAsWordDotx | |
FileSaveAsExcelXlsx | |
FileSaveAsExcelXlsxMacro | |
FileSaveAsExcelXlsb | |
FileSaveAsPowerPointPptx | |
FileSaveAsPowerPointPpsx | |
LockCell | |
PasteAsPictureMenu | |
GroupPivotActions | |
PivotTableSelectFlyout | |
ZoomCurrent100 | |
Drawing1ColorPickerLineStylesWordArt | |
Drawing1ColorPickerFillWordArt | |
FontDialogPowerPoint | |
PowerPointParagraphDialog | |
PowerPointPageSetup | |
GroupDrawing2 | |
ShapeQuickStylesHome | |
GalleryAllShapesAndTextboxes | |
TableTextStylesGallery | |
GroupTextStylesTable | |
UpdateBibliography | |
ExportToAccess | |
BizBarPublishToSharePoint | |
BlogInsertCategories | |
NewMailMessageNumbered | |
NewAppointmentNumbered | |
NewMeetingRequestNumbered | |
NewContactNumbered | |
NewDistributionListNumbered | |
NewTaskNumbered | |
NewNoteNumbered | |
FileMenuSaveAsHeaderOutlook | |
FileMenuPrintHeaderOutlook | |
GroupRecover | |
SmartArtInsertBulletRTL | |
NewContactMenu | |
GroupTableLayout | |
ObjectsArrangeMenu | |
TextFillMoreTextures | |
FileMenuPrintHeaderAccess | |
ConvertDatabaseFormat | |
PivotShowOnlyTheTopMenu | |
PivotShowOnlyTheBottomMenu | |
GroupMacros | |
PlayMacro | |
MenuMacros | |
SharingOpenWssDocumentList | |
SharingOpenWssDiscussionList | |
SharingOpenWssCalendar | |
SharingOpenWssContactList | |
SharingOpenWssTaskList | |
SharingOpenRssFeed | |
SharingOpenPublishedCalendar | |
SharingOpenWebCalendar | |
SharingOpenICalendar | |
SharingPreviewPublishedCalendar | |
SharingPreviewWssCalendar | |
SharingPreviewWssContactList | |
SharingPreviewWssTaskList | |
SharingPreviewWssDocumentList | |
SharingPreviewWssDiscussionList | |
SaveObjectAs | |
AdvertisePublishAs | |
UpgradeWorkbook | |
ReviewProtectDocumentMenu | |
ReviewProtectWorkbookMenu | |
GroupPermission | |
ReviewProtectPresentationMenu | |
BlogHomePage | |
GroupBlogProofing | |
GroupBlogStyles | |
EquationEdit | |
AlternativeText | |
ChartFormatLeaderLines | |
ThemeBrowseForThemes | |
FilePublishToSharePoint | |
FileCheckOutDiscard | |
GroupBlogSymbols | |